понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

esteem issue self treating

If youapos;re like most new parents, there are plenty of days -- ones when your baby wonapos;t stop crying and thereapos;s oatmeal on the wall -- when you feel as if you canapos;t do anything right. But think again. Even if all you did was feed your little one when he was hungry, talk to him as you did the laundry, and take him for a stroll, you offered him fantastic learning experiences. Still doubt it? Hereapos;s what your baby would tell you himself -- if he could.

I learned I can always depend on you.

Each time you soothed your childapos;s persistent cries with food, a cuddle, or a dry diaper, you taught him that he matters and that he can trust you to help him. Even something as routine as putting him down for a nap fortifies his trust and self-esteem. Eventually, heapos;ll figure out that even when youapos;re out of sight, you still existmdash;and youapos;ll be back.

I learned I can depend on myself too.

Instead of dashing into your babyapos;s room when she fussed in the middle of the night, you forced yourself to wait for several seconds, then several more. Silence. Perhaps she found her thumb or snuggled into a comfy corner of the cribmdash;whatever it was, she fell back asleep on her own. Without even getting out of bed, you taught her that she can take care of herself once in a while.

You learned something too: that sometimes good parenting means doing less for your child, not more. The same wait-a-minute approach is also wise if sheapos;s struggling to achieve a motor skill, such as reaching for a toy. Pulling back a little and letting her wiggle closer on her own steam challenges her to learn.

I learned that I can strike a balance.

Toting your little one around, whether in your arms or in a carrier, stimulates his vestibular system, which helps his body maintain its balance. And when you give him a ride on your shoulders, he also gets a visual bonusmdash;the chance to take in the sights from a different vantage point.

Once your baby is able to sit up, take him for regular stroller rides over a variety of surfacesmdash;like your gravelly driveway, a smooth sidewalk, and a grassy lawnmdash;at different paces. Itapos;ll further refine his balancing skills and strengthen the muscles that keep him upright.

I learned that I can make all the right moves.

Maybe your babymdash;finallymdash;got her toes into her mouth, picked up a cracker by herself, or took her first halting steps today. She beamed, and you smiled and applauded, showing her she had a right to be proud. Thereapos;s no big secret to helping your baby develop her motor skills. Just clearing the floor and giving her opportunities to move around is almost enough. The other essential? Cheering her on.

I learned how words work.

Did you call your child by name when you picked him up? As you went grocery-shopping together, did you describe each item as you put it in the cart? If so, you gave him bite-sizemdash;but big-timemdash;lessons in language.

Any opportunity your baby has to hear you speak will support his verbal development, as he takes in the tone and rhythm of the words you use. Baby-friendly topics and baby-size words are nice, but not necessary. Even reading him the sports page, telling him about your day, or singing to him counts. So if you like to chat while doing chores or belt out show tunes in the car, go ahead.

I learned that I can take turns.

Remember playing peekaboo? First you covered your face, then your child did. Back and forth the two of you went. When you take turns with your baby during everyday interactions and simple games, youapos;re teaching the importance of sharing, being social, and cooperating with others.

Just about any exchange thatapos;s simple, repetitive, and reciprocal does the trick. For instance, when you ask, "What does my little girl want to do today?" and wait for your babyapos;s response with rapt attention, youapos;re showing her the give-and-take of communication. Sure, her answer may only be a gurgle, but an intimate conversation between the two of you has begun.

I learned neat things from making a mess.

While you were cooking, you gave your baby a bowl and some plastic spoons to bat around the kitchen. During dinner you kept handing him Cheerios, even though you knew heapos;d throw them off the high chair. And you didnapos;t cut bathtime short when he splashed water out of the tub. Congratulations You provided lots of learning experiences.

Early in life, the most enriching play is the kind thatapos;s served up freshmdash;unstructured, unscheduled, and not centered around certain events or toys. When he played with the bowl and spoons, for instance, he actually conducted a bunch of science experiments: "Will the spoon fit in the bowl?" "How hard do I have to bang the spoon to make a noise?" "How much noise can I make before Mommy takes everything away?"

I learned that my feelings count.

You nibbled on your babyapos;s toes, and she giggled. But after a while, she started frowning and turned away, so you stopped. In that moment, you taught her that you readmdash;and honormdash;her cues.

Because your baby canapos;t talk, she depends on you to interpret her gestures and facial expressions. It takes dedicated attention to learn how to do it right. But making her feel understood strengthens your emotional bond and spurs her efforts to communicate, which in turn may help her learn to talk.

I learned that thereapos;s a whole wide world to explore.

Today you took your child to the dry cleaners, the park, and the bank. It may have been just another boring round of errands for you, but for babies, every day is an adventure. They donapos;t have long-term memory, so whenever they go to the park, itapos;s almost as if itapos;s the first time.

I learned that my life has a pattern.

You changed your babyapos;s diaper and fed him his breakfast, put him in the car as you dropped off his big sister at school, and later, as the daylight waned, made dinner. Just by going through the usual motions, youapos;ve taught your little one that his world is consistent, predictable, and stable. By following daily rituals, youapos;re helping your child learn what he can expect nextmdash;and look forward to it.

- - -Article from www.parents.com

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I didnapos;t realize how many pitfalls there are to avoid as a new writer. And Iapos;m only just learning them as I go along. So far, Iapos;ve managed to steer clear of the basic mistakes, like bad spelling, bad grammar, misspelled character names, Mary Sues, rampant OOC-ness, random comma attack, and epithet carnage.

Adverb use is another story. I just went through Loose Ends and found over forty adverbs that I didnapos;t need. Forty *headdesks*

Revisions are a pain in the ass, and I think this is my fourth or fifth one (not counting the minor edits). Once Iapos;m done, I always look the whole thing over too, to make sure I caught everything. And of course, then I find more mistakes. Itapos;s a vicious, vicious cycle that never ends.

Argh. Will not edit story anymore. Will not.

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So, I know that you arenapos;t a Latina, Jose, you are a Latin-o, but you have a Latina mother. I have come to think that Latina women with children, who have moved to a different country to give their children the world are the best mothers in the world. I have met several in my lifetime, and I just find them to be the most hard-working, dedicate people in the world. They are pragmatic and they understand what needs to be done to get their children to find success. The mothers of my students who are Latinos are so, so amazing. One of them is in her early 40s and beautiful in a tired, single-hearted way, aged only from her devotion to her children. The other is older, but nonetheless no less regal in her dignity and in her love for her sons and daughters that she has fought so hard to get through school. My friends in Germany, the Latinas, all have this same quality. Go Latina women

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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This weekapos;s theme: Bigfoot doinapos; something bigfoot donapos;t do.

Kevin never ceases to astound.

Okay, this week is Kevinapos;s week. His theme idea is "Da Urf: 1.27 Bajillion A.D." His instructions are simple: Depict a scene/event from the year 1.27 Bajillion A.D.

Seee yapos;all next week

p.s. Sketchbook Killa drawings were done on Wednesday, but I was hanging out with Kevin in Long Beach yesserday so the post is delayed (fitting, considering the artists.).

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New (replacement) laptop has arrived. Canapos;t afford to extend warranty til...Thursday. Am trying not to be paranoid.

Halfway through Jhumpa Lahiriapos;s apos;The Namesakeapos;. Main character reminds me of Milkman from Song of Solomon, the whole near-total self-involvement, disconnect from the values of his parents, shameful origins of his name, that type of thing.

This was the book I was planning to treat myself with after I finished the ten or so other books Iapos;d started but not quite finished this past summer. Decided to cheat and go ahead and read it anyway. :)

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My day is sucking. This is hardcore sucking, this is.

I am so tired that I feel physically ill, and I still have three and a half hours left at work before I can go home. And I could ask to go home early, I suppose, but that would make me feel worse because I brought this on myself with my strange sleeping habits. But god, SLEEP. All I want to do is go to sleep. I want to cry and throw things and cuddle Peef the Christmas display bear before taking a nap on his plush, "Peef"ing stomach. Instead they keep making me work and shred and answer phones and my brain My brain cannot process

Iapos;m in PAIN, fapos;list. PAIN. Hear my cries of agony.

I am so tired, I cannot even think where my subject is from. I think itapos;s a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean? Possibly by Barbossa? Or maybe Pintel. SEE? THIS IS THE EXTENT OF MY BRAIN DEATH. I cannot even place the quotes that live in my head with their proper source material anymore. I hate when that happens. Itapos;s like the "Luggage" quote: I know itapos;s from a movie because I can hear it said in a very distinctive manner in my head, but the entire quote is just that one word, and so, not Google-able.

Quotes are such a funny thing. Along with song track numbers, quotes make up the majority of the files labeled Useless Information I Keep In My Head. Not even just one or two lines of a quote, even, but like PARAGRAPHS at times. Whole monologues. (Okay, that might be the actor training but still. UNNATURAL.) And sometimes someone can say a quote, and then I need to say the next line (or five) EVEN WHEN I DONapos;T KNOW WHAT ITapos;S FROM. Itapos;s weird.

For example, anytime I hear, "Long ago in a far-away land a prince lived in a shiny castle." And of course, I know itapos;s from Beauty and the Beast, but I need to recite the entire prologue before I can move on with my day.

Do you have anything like that? Quotes you just canapos;t help regurgitate, even if the other person has already heard it a million times? Or know the quote but canapos;t place where itapos;s from immediately? Even though OBVIOUSLY you know it. Confide in me about your quote habits, guys. Iapos;m needy.

P.S. Apparently I swear a lot when Iapos;m tired.

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